Sunday, April 25, 2021

week 06 - arduino + physical distortion

Simple test to see if I could get the Arduino working. Wasn't sure how to connect both the motor shield and the ethernet shield at the same time as they can't fit together. Do i have to use two Arduino's to be able to control the motor via ethernet?

Physical distortion

For simplicity I just animated a continuous, looping motion. If this was user controlled i think i would rather make it so you draw a pattern that actives the corresponding motors which will then go in a continuous motion. Alternatively you can rotate each motor similar to the example above where the motor is controlled via. phone and draw a pattern with the motors.

Distortion with strings could be explored many ways. E.g. that a motor wires them up, so 'distorted' when loose etc. But not really sure if it will be a better result than just doing it digitally.

Maybe interface could look like this? Each circle corresponds to a step motor.

'Distortion' with marker. Not sure how this would actually work in practice as it would draw on the same paper repeatedly.

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