Sunday, April 4, 2021

Week 03 - The modern mashup

The initial concept for this video was to merge together media from three different sources. One for the actual visuals, one for the deepfake and one for sound. So the idea was to deepfake R Kelly into the Heaven's Gate initiation video, lip synced to his live performance in Ethiopia where he essentially does the same thing as the Heaven's Gate tape. So to create a comparison of R Kelly to a cult leader. However, as I discovered, deep fakes takes a lot of time to create. Even with 60 000 thousand iterations with the model trainer, the results are nowhere close to good enough for someone to be able to spot that it's R Kelly.

As the deep fake results where not really that good i decided to switch up the concept. It is a now a combination of the original three sources mixed up together with the "How to start a cult" audio and the Pastor pushing people with the power of the holy ghost. To sum up, the concept of the video is kind of messy. At the moment it is two loosely developed concepts instead of one well developed.

deepfake 01 - cults from Mathias Grøteig on Vimeo.

Tools Sources


Heaven's Gate Cult Initiation Tape Part 1

R. Kelly was "unhinged" in interview

Avidemux 2                     

R Kelly recruiting in Ethiopia

How to Start A Cult

Pastor Uses Invisible Power

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