Sunday, April 11, 2021

Week 04 - Programs


Pretty heavy on coding. I basically can’t do anything here without looking up guides / documentation as is with programming usually. But seems to have nice add ons. Also the default example projects are nice. I feel like with this i need to have a pretty clear idea of what i want to do before starting as i would have to a lot of research into which add-ons / how to use the classes.

This one feels much easier, but still feel like I need to watch some guides just to learn how you can put things together. What felt intuitive to me didn't really work. Tried to recreate the same project as the one from Openframeworks to see what was more intuitive, but couldn't do it.

Has really nice example projects. But same problem as touchdesigner. Need to learn how you can string components together.

Messed around with this for a while. This is such a difficult program.

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